Stay up to date with Glenwood news!

In Our Prayers

  • Continue to remember Dana Hunt as she deals with a shoulder injury and an upcoming surgery.
  • Sheila Neville’s brother, Mark Edmonds, has been diagnosed with melanoma and will be going to MD Anderson to see specialists concerning possible treatments.
  • Paula Clark has asked for prayer for Robert, in prison, with drug issues. 

We want to be prayerful for and with you. Please click below to submit any prayer requests to our leadership and prayer team.

Prayer Walk at Rice Elementary

Come and pray for our adopted elementary school on Wednesday evening, October 16! This will be our adult class for that Wednesday evening in lieu of our regular class meeting. We’ll meet in the Gathering Room at 5:30 p.m. for dinner, and then at 6:30 p.m. we’ll walk over together. Click here if you can join us for dinner! Our Kingdom Kids will be joining us, as well!

Glenwood Car Show

Join us at Glenwood for the “Classics, Hot Rods & More” car show Saturday, October 19, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Food will be available for purchase.

Acoustic Communion

Join us for a night of acoustic worship and communion at 8 p.m. on Sunday, October 20!

Volunteers for the Downtown Gathering

The Downtown Gathering is in need of 3–4 volunteers for 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays. We have some new faces and are seeing an increase in attendance, so a little more help means we can serve these brothers and sisters more effectively! Contact Bob Markwood (or the Church Office) to help!

Ironworks Men’s Meeting

Men of Glenwood, join us for our next Ironworks meeting in the Gathering Room at 6 p.m. on October 22. Bring your dinner!

Christian Homes Fall Dinner

Please make plans to join Christian Homes & Family Services for a concert and dinner show on Tuesday, October 22, at the Green Acres Baptist Church Crosswalk. For more information click here.

Trunk or Treat – We Need Trunks!

It’s time to get ready for our Trunk or Treat Block Party on October 26 from 3–5 p.m.! This is our biggest community outreach of the year and we need your help. 

  • Decorate your trunk and hand out candy (sign up in the foyer!)
  • Volunteer to serve snow cones, man a bounce house, or
  • Help folks find their way around.
  • Welcome our neighbors, run candy, set up, or clean up.

If donating, please make checks out to Glenwood COC: Children’s Ministry–Trunk or Treat. Candy can be dropped off in the red bucket in the Worship Center foyer.

Glenwood Family Campout

Next month’s family fellowship will be a campout at Martin Creek Lake State Park on November 15–16! This is a perfect event to invite friends and neighbors to! Here are some details to share:

  • Check-in at 2 p.m. on Friday
  • Lunch will be provided on Saturday! Everyone is in charge of their own meals otherwise. 
  • Please bring your own tents, chairs, firewood, games, etc.

Please click here to sign up as soon as possible so we can ensure enough sites!

Poinsettia Orders

It’s time again for the Wayne D. Boshears Center for Exceptional Programs Annual Poinsettia Sale and Fundraiser. Orders are due by November 17! Checks must be made to Glenwood Church and we have a list of our shut-ins on a table in front of the office if you would like to purchase and deliver a flower. Orders can be placed in the church office, Bible class, or in the Worship Center foyer. 

Ladies’ Bible Class

Ladies’ Bible Class meets Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. in the Gathering Room. We are studying Jordan Hubbard’s Sermon Series, “Director’s Cut: A Study of Scripture from the Cutting Room Floor.” For more information, contact Cynthia Manning, Bobbye Jackson, or Gloria Rose.

Sunday Morning Bible Class

The first 11 chapters of the Bible are intricately woven together to tell a story of a creation that both needs its Creator, and refuses to obey its Creator. Join us on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. as we study the God who blesses His creation with goodness.

Share About Glenwood on Social Media

Spread the word! When you “like” a post from Glenwood on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, would you help us by sharing it as well? Reaching people virtually is a significant way for us to be Kingdom-minded and engage our neighbors. Speaking of social media…Have you subscribed to our YouTube worship channel? You can do so here:

Glenwood Quilters

The Glenwood Quilters meet every Tuesday from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. All are welcome – no experience necessary! If you’re interested, please contact the church office.

Mobile Haircuts

Dapper haircut trailer will be parking in the Glenwood parking lot on the first Monday of each month. Appointments are required and fill up fast! To book, visit, or call Mandy Glasscock at (903) 316–7269.

Pick Up and Drop Off for Kingdom Kids

For the safety of our children, its crucial to remember that we have a very important protocol which we must follow for dropping off and picking up kids for children’s worship. With the craziness of COVID, and the slow resumption of “normal” activities, we want to refresh everyone on this important procedure:

  • Children will be released from worship prior to the sermon. 
  • Parents must escort children to Children’s Worship and pick them up during the last song of the service. 
  • Please note that children will not be released to individuals other than parents/legal guardians or parent-appointed adults.