Stay up to date with Glenwood news!

In Our Prayers

  • We offer our deepest sympathy to the Neeley family as Benjamin’s brother, Jonathan, passed away on Wednesday. Services were held Saturday. Continue to keep the family in your thoughts and prayers in the days and weeks ahead.
  • Nancy Slauenwhite fell and broke her collarbone. Please pray for a speedy recovery.
  • Please keep Dick Smith, brother of Sandie Propst, in your prayers. He is in the late stages of ALS.
  • Please pray for Pat Todd Damm’s son, Kerry Todd, who lives in DeQueen, AR. Kerry is having serious back problems and will require surgery soon.
  • Dana Hunt is recovering from recent shoulder surgery. The injury was so extensive to fix, it will be another 3 weeks before PT begins. Pray for management and control of the pain.
  • Brenda Fleet is still waiting on approval from UT San Antonio on a transplant.

We want to be prayerful for and with you. Please click below to submit any prayer requests to our leadership and prayer team.

New Sermon Series | Good News

Join us Sundays as we continue a new sermon series about the heart of what we believe: The Gospel. In this series, Good News, we will see how Jesus talks about the Gospel.

Meal Train for Glenwood Youth Ministry

Wednesday night is an important part of our youth and student ministry. Each week they gather together for a meal in the Cove before class, and we need your help in feeding this growing group! If interested, click here for the Meal Train or contact Andy Albright. Please feel free to stay, dine with, and get to know this great group of kids.

Love Our Kitchens

February has been deemed “Love Our Kitchens” month at Glenwood! As we’ve been cleaning out the kitchens, we’ve identified some needs and they can be found on this Amazon wish list.

Prayer Boards

On Sunday, February 23, we hope you will plan to stay for time of fellowship and creativity in the Gathering Room as we have lunch and make prayer boards together. This is a wonderful opportunity to focus on your prayer life, reflect on God’s blessings, and set intentions for the year ahead. All ages are welcome! Lunch and supplies will be provided!

Karing Kitchen

Our next opportunity to serve will be Monday, March 3, at the Benevolence Center (215 S Bonner Ave). We need help with setup, serving, and cleanup from 4:30–6:30 p.m. For details, contact Pat Gerth.

Glenwood Cookbook

Did you know we still have the Glenwood Cookbook available? This was compiled by members years ago, and is still one of the best cookbooks used today! Cookbooks are available in the office for $20. These make wonderful gifts!

Ladies’ Bible Class

Ladies’ Bible Class has resumed meeting on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. in the Gathering Room! Join us as we go through Margaret Feinberg’s book, “Taste  and See: Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers, & Fresh Food Makers.” We’ll be studying food in scripture, how it is  caught or grown, and the importance of meals and table.

School Outreach for Rice Elementary and Legacy

Glenwood has opened a supply closet specifically for the purpose of serving RICE Elementary and Legacy High students and teachers. This week they need breakfast bars or granola bars! Click here to view the list of additional supplies specifically requested at this time.

Sunday Morning Bible Class

This year, we are studying Ephesians to refocus us on the Gospel of Jesus and the goals of God on heaven, as on earth. We want to be driven by the Gospel that unites the nations. Ephesians is the best letter for that purpose.

Share About Glenwood on Social Media

Spread the word! When you “like” a post from Glenwood on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, would you help us by sharing it as well? Reaching people virtually is a significant way for us to be Kingdom-minded and engage our neighbors. Speaking of social media…Have you subscribed to our YouTube worship channel? You can do so here:

Glenwood Quilters

The Glenwood Quilters meet every Tuesday from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. All are welcome – no experience necessary! If you’re interested, please contact the church office.

Mobile Haircuts

Dapper haircut trailer will be parking in the Glenwood parking lot on the first Monday of each month. Appointments are required and fill up fast! To book, visit, or call Mandy Glasscock at (903) 316–7269.

Pick Up and Drop Off for Kingdom Kids

For the safety of our children, its crucial to remember that we have a very important protocol which we must follow for dropping off and picking up kids for children’s worship. With the start of a new year, we want to refresh everyone on this important procedure:

  • Children will be released from worship prior to the sermon. 
  • Parents must escort children to Children’s Worship and pick them up during the last song of the service. 
  • Please note that children will not be released to individuals other than parents/legal guardians or parent-appointed adults.