In Our Prayers

  • Jeff Clemens, close friend of the Bulls’ family, passed away Monday evening around 11 p.m. Pray for his wife, son and daughter, grandkids, his mother, and siblings.
  • Please pray for Vic Akers who’s having nasal surgery today. 
  • Paula Clark, former Glenwood member, has asked for prayer for Robert, in prison, with drug issues. He has a parole hearing next month.
  • We extend our deepest sympathies to the family of long time Glenwood member, Bill Wallis. Bill passed away Friday, August 9. Services will be held in Tyler, but are pending at this time.
  • Please pray for Jeff Stiefer’s mother, Mary Busby, as she recovers at home following surgery. 
  • The Matus Family has requested we be prayerful for the Heuer Family. Their 7-year-old daughter, Kinslee, has a brain tumor and they are trying to find a surgeon willing to take on the risky surgery. Please keep the family in your prayers as they go through this difficult time. Specifically, they have asked us to please pray for Kinslee’s comfort, some peace of mind, all things peace and comfort for her little mind. 
  • Please remember our college students as they return to school or begin college for the first time.

We want to be prayerful for and with you. Please click below to submit any prayer requests to our leadership and prayer team.

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