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Wednesday Night Bible Class

Tonight Benjamin will briefly survey different aspects of current New Testament research. Join us at 6:30 in the Gathering Room to dive deep into the Bible and current biblical scholarship.

Glenwood Youth Ministry

Glenwood youth are meeting tonight from 5:00–7:30 in the gym. Dinner, snacks, and drinks are provided!

Kingdom Kids

Kingdom Kids Wednesday Night Bible class will meet tonight at 6:30 p.m.

In Our Prayers

  • We offer our deepest sympathy to the Neeley family as Benjamin’s brother, Jonathan, passed away on Wednesday. Services will be held in DeQueen, AR, this Saturday at 10 a.m. at Chandler Funeral Home. There is no visitation planned. Continue to keep the family in your thoughts and prayers in the days and weeks ahead.
  • Nancy Slauenwhite fell and broke her collarbone. Please pray for a speedy recovery.
  • Please keep Dick Smith, brother of Sandie Propst, in your prayers. He is in the late stages of ALS.
  • Please pray for Pat Todd Damm’s son, Kerry Todd, who lives in DeQueen, AR. Kerry is having serious back problems and will require surgery soon.
  • Dana Hunt is recovering from recent shoulder surgery. The injury was so extensive to fix, it will be 4 weeks before PT begins. Pray for management and control of the pain.
  • Brenda Fleet is still waiting on approval from UT San Antonio on a transplant. They are supposed to hear this week. 

We want to be prayerful for and with you. Please click below to submit any prayer requests to our leadership and prayer team.

Meal Train for Glenwood Youth Ministry

Wednesday night is an important part of our youth and student ministry. Each week they gather together for a meal in the Cove before class, and we need your help in feeding this growing group! If interested, click here for the Meal Train or contact Andy Albright. Please feel free to stay, dine with, and get to know this great group of kids.

Love Our Kitchens

February has been deemed “Love Our Kitchens” month at Glenwood! As we’ve been cleaning out the kitchens, we’ve identified some needs and they can be found on this Amazon wish list.

Soul Sisters | Grooving to the Oldies!

Come join us as we visit the past through music, food, and games! Please come dressed in your favorite “oldies” outfit on February 13 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Youth Dodgeball Area Wide

Glenwood, West Erwin and Shiloh will get together at Glenwood on February 16 for a time of food, worship and dodgeball from 5:00–7:30 p.m. Volunteers to help setup and serve and clean dinner are needed. PLEASE contact Andy for more details if you are willing to volunteer!

90th Birthday Celebration

Join us Sunday, February 16, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. in the Gathering Room as we celebrate Jerrel Alexander’s 90th birthday! We’ll enjoy cake and punch together!

Ironworks Men’s Meeting

Men of Glenwood, join us for our next Ironworks meeting in the Gathering Room at 6 p.m. on February 18. Bring your dinner!