Stay up to date with Glenwood news!

In Our Prayers

  • Our deepest condolences to the family of Melodye Phillips whose father, Wayne Cure, passed away September 8.
  • We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Lorene Colburn. Lorene passed away Saturday, September 7. There will be a graveside service at Rose Hill Cemetery at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow, September 11.
  • James Stoner, teacher and case manager at Triumph Village, asks that our church pray for him.  He has had undiagnosed health issues for several months. He recently received definitive results from extensive testing and is positive for black mold toxicity.   He has great faith that God will heal him, but asks that everyone join him in making that request of God. 
  • Please pray for Vic Akers who is recovering from recent nasal surgery. 
  • The Matus Family has requested we be prayerful for the Heuer Family. Their 7-year-old daughter, Kinslee, has a brain tumor and they are trying to find a surgeon willing to take on the risky surgery. Please keep the family in your prayers as they go through this difficult time. Specifically, they have asked us to please pray for Kinslee’s comfort, some peace of mind, all things peace and comfort for her little mind. 
  • Paula Clark has asked for prayer for Robert, in prison, with drug issues. He has a parole hearing next month.

We want to be prayerful for and with you. Please click below to submit any prayer requests to our leadership and prayer team.

Worship Highlight

This Sunday, we’ll learn a powerful new song based on the words of Jesus called “The Jesus Way.” Prayerfully listen and learn as we prepare to gather to join together in worshipping…and as we seek to follow The Jesus Way in community with one another.

MealTrain for Glenwood Youth Ministry

Wednesday night is an important part of our youth and student ministry. Each week they gather together for a meal in the Cove before class, and we need your help in feeding this growing group! If interested, click here for the MealTrain or contact Andy Albright. Please feel free to stay, dine with, and get to know this great group of kids.

Volunteers for the Downtown Gathering

The Downtown Gathering is in need of 3–4 volunteers for 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays. We have some new faces and are seeing an increase in attendance, so a little more help means we can serve these brothers and sisters more effectively! Contact Bob Markwood (or the Church Office) to help!

School Supply Drive for Rice Elementary and Legacy High

Glenwood has opened a supply closet specifically for the purpose of serving RICE Elementary and Legacy High students and teachers. A pressing need this week is full-size deodorant! Click here to view the list of additional supplies specifically requested at this time.

Karing Kitchen

Our next opportunity to serve will be Monday, September 16, at the Benevolence Center (215 S Bonner Ave). We need help with setup, serving, and cleanup from 4:30–6:30 p.m. For details, contact Pat Gerth.

Ironworks Men’s Meeting

Men of Glenwood, join us for our next Ironworks meeting in the Gathering Room at 6 p.m. on September 17. Bring your dinner!

Soul Sisters: Sunflowers in September

Attention ladies! Come join us for a fun evening of great salads, fellowship, bingo, and a sunflower craft on  Thursday, September 19, at 6:30 p.m. in the Gathering Room.

PHA BBQ Luncheon

You are invited to a BBQ Luncheon on September 22 at 12 p.m. to hear stories of hope and survival from a war-torn Ukraine. There is no cost to attend. Click here to RSVP by September 15. The Luncheon is hosted by Marvin United Methodist Church (300 W Erwin St, Tyler).

Fifth Sunday Potluck

Sunday, September 29, will be our next Fifth Sunday Potluck meal directly after the service. We’ll enjoy a baked potato bar, and there will be opportunities to sign up to bring proteins (brisket or taco meat, chicken, bacon), cheese, and desserts. Click here to sign up, or look for the sign up sheet in the foyer!

Ladies’ Bible Class

Ladies’ Bible Class meets Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. in the Gathering Room. We are studying Jordan Hubbard’s Sermon Series, “Director’s Cut: A Study of Scripture from the Cutting Room Floor.” For more information, contact Cynthia Manning, Bobbye Jackson, or Gloria Rose.

Glenwood Anniversary Team

In July of 2026, Glenwood will celebrate its 75th anniversary. We are assembling a coordination team to work with D.J. in planning for this homecoming celebration. If you have an interest in being a part of this group, please email D.J. or let him know the next time you see him. We will want to get this group together once before this summer ends to start working! One of our first tasks is getting a “Save The Date” and building a list of folks we want to invite. We need your help!

Sunday Morning Bible Class

The first 11 chapters of the Bible are intricately woven together to tell a story of a creation that both needs its Creator, and refuses to obey its Creator. Join us on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. as we study the God who blesses His creation with goodness.

Share About Glenwood on Social Media

Spread the word! When you “like” a post from Glenwood on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, would you help us by sharing it as well? Reaching people virtually is a significant way for us to be Kingdom-minded and engage our neighbors. Speaking of social media…Have you subscribed to our YouTube worship channel? You can do so here:

Glenwood Quilters

The Glenwood Quilters meet every Tuesday from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. All are welcome – no experience necessary! If you’re interested, please contact the church office.

Mobile Haircuts

Dapper haircut trailer will be parking in the Glenwood parking lot on the first Monday of each month. Appointments are required and fill up fast! To book, visit, or call Mandy Glasscock at (903) 316–7269.

Pick Up and Drop Off for Kingdom Kids

For the safety of our children, its crucial to remember that we have a very important protocol which we must follow for dropping off and picking up kids for children’s worship. With the craziness of COVID, and the slow resumption of “normal” activities, we want to refresh everyone on this important procedure:

  • Children will be released from worship prior to the sermon. 
  • Parents must escort children to Children’s Worship and pick them up during the last song of the service. 
  • Please note that children will not be released to individuals other than parents/legal guardians or parent-appointed adults.